Situational Safety and Tactical Communications (SSTC) Training

Discover how CERT’s SSTC training empowers people by providing them with the knowledge and skills to safely and effectively manage challenging situations.

Many roles involve dealing with other people on a regular basis. From time to time your staff may find themselves dealing with difficult, abusive or even aggressive people – often in uncontrolled environments or locations.

Staff may need to get people to do things – or stop doing things - that the other person doesn’t want to do. Conflict can arise in any situation where people are interacting with each other. As well as creating risk to our personal safety through physical aggression, these conflicts also lead to psychological and organisational risk. 

Training in how to safely, effectively and professionally manage situations and interactions is crucial for anyone who deals with other people. Rather than simply focusing on ‘de-escalation techniques’ - which means something has already gone wrong -  CERT’s SSTC training starts with ‘non-escalation techniques’. Our focus is training that minimises the chances of the situation escalating in the first place. 

The training covers areas including developing a ‘safety mindset’, the importance of and how to enhance our situational awareness, assessment and planning skills, effective communication techniques, physical approach and interaction techniques as well as specific techniques for effectively managing difficult, abusive and aggressive people.

Blended Learning for Tailored Training

At CERT, we understand that every organisation is unique, and so are its training requirements. That's why we offer a flexible approach to learning that combines online and in-person elements, known as blended learning. This approach allows us to create customised training experiences that suit your organisation's specific needs.

Training Partner You Can Trust

CERT is your trusted partner in achieving training excellence. Contact us today to discuss how we can design a blended learning program that's perfectly suited to your organisation. We're here to empower your staff with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.

Customised to your requirements

Our Situational Safety and Tactical Communications training can be tailored to provide the best fit for your organisation.

We will work with you to identify the specific challenges your organisation and team members face and then tailor our training content and delivery to best address these challenges.

Who is this training for?

Put simply – anyone who deals with people!

The knowledge and skills people will learn during this training will empower them in all aspects of their lives – both professionally and personally.

If you interact with people then CERT’s Situational Safety and Tactical Communications training WILL make you safer and more effective in your roles.

Training has been tailored to many working in front-line roles including:

  • Regulatory, audit, compliance and enforcement staff
  • Airline and airport staff
  • Property managers
  • Healthcare workers
  • Justice and Corrections staff
  • Security officers
  • Retail staff
  • Social workers
  • Teachers
  • Library staff
  • Event centre staff
  • Insurance assessors / agents

Depending on the roles of participants and the knowledge and skills required, the training can be delivered across one to five days, with our two day Foundation Course being by far the most popular.

We will be happy to work with you to design a course or workshop that will best meet your needs.

Given the wide range of organisations we have already delivered this training to, we already have a library of courses and workshops for various roles.

Why engage in training?

  • Increased safety of your team — both physically and psychologically.
  • Enhanced team confidence and competence — your CERT-trained people will learn valuable communication skills for when dealing with the public, each other, and in all walks of life!
  • Improve Effectiveness — your team will become more effective and competent in gaining positive cooperation from the people they deal with, allowing for a more efficient workplace.
  • Fewer adverse reactions and complaints our training will enable your clients to feel like they have been treated fairly, and with respect, providing more positive outcomes for all.
  • Enhanced professionalism your people are trained to be professionals, who are effective at their jobs, conduct themselves lawfully and fairly - thus protecting your organisational safety and brand reputation
Diagram | CERT NZ

What does the training cover?

This course will give your people comprehensive skills in a number of areas.

By improving communication skills, the tactical (effective) communications component of this training will enable your team to gain compliance and cooperation from others, even in highly charged situations. It will equip them with skills to deal with difficult and uncooperative people using proven and reliable techniques.

The Situational Safety components of the course will enable participants to effectively assess, plan, and implement proven situational management techniques.

It will emphasise the need for planning, ongoing management, and situational awareness - and provide insights into why we as a society often miss important cues and signs which could indicate imminent risk.

Interested in knowing more?

Complete the form below and we'll email you an overview of the Situational Safety and Tactical Communications course and details of the enrolment process.

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