Investigations Training

The role of a Compliance or Enforcement officer, or investigator, requires appropriate knowledge and skills specific to their role - and that’s where we can help.

Investigations Training

The role of a Compliance or Enforcement officer, or investigator, requires appropriate knowledge and skills specific to their specific role - and that’s where we can help.

Investigation Skills Training

A good investigator needs to understand their powers, how to interpret legislation and identify elements and ingredients of offences, how to gather and manage evidence as well as conduct effective interviews and record information in order to be able to present a professional casefile for review and decision-making.

Investigation Skills training combines a number of disciplines to provide compliance, enforcement and regulatory staff with the essential knowledge and skills to ensure they conduct lawful safe and thorough investigations.

‘Safe’ covers both the personal safety of the staff but also ‘professional safety’ of the organisation.

Ensuring staff are aware of legal requirements around their exercise of powers protects both the staff member, and the organisation, from legal action and negative publicity because of inappropriate or unlawful exercise of powers or procedures.

Investigative Interviewing is specialised training, using the world-recognised PEACE Model, for those whose roles require them to conduct formal interviews of people (complainants, witnesses and suspects).

Customised to your organisation's requirements

Our investigation and interviewing courses are created “from the ground up” for your organisation. We recognise that different roles require different levels of knowledge and skills depending on the legislation they are operating under or the level of complexity of the matters they are investigating.

We will work with you to design and develop a programme of learning that best meets the needs of your organisation and staff.

Foundation Investigation Skills

A three-to-four day course covering the basic knowledge and skills required to be a competent officer / investigator.

The length of the course will depend on the level of knowledge and skill of the staff and the range of powers and legislation the agency is required to enforce.

This foundation course covers the basic obligations, responsibilities and ethics around the exercise of statutory powers and the need for these actions to be lawful, reasonable and in good faith.

Participants will learn how to identify the elements and ingredients of an offence as well as how to gather and manage evidence. They will also learn basic interviewing techniques, how to take a statement, how to appropriately record information and how to prepare a basic case file.

Advanced Investigation Skills

Building on the knowledge and skills learnt on the Foundation course, on the Advanced course participants will further develop their investigation management skills for more complex investigations where they may be applying for production orders or search warrants as well as coordinating other investigators / staff.

They will enhance their understanding of how the court process works, and how to give evidence professionally, culminating in a courtroom simulation where participants present their case to a judge and a jury of their peers.

This is a two-to-three day course, depending on the skill level of the staff and the range of powers and legislation the agency is required to enforce.

Investigative Interviewing

CERT and VereZone have joined forces to combine their extensive knowledge and skills to offer a training programme in Investigative Interviewing based on the internationally recognised PEACE Model of interviewing.

This training is designed to teach investigators, whether novice or experienced, how to effectively interview witnesses, persons of interest, subjects or suspects. The training can be delivered as a complete five-day course, or separately as a two-day introductory course followed by a three-day advanced course.

Customised to your organisation, the introductory course is designed for interviewers who conduct fact-finding interviews. It covers the core functions of the PEACE Model with practical exercises to enhance skill development.

The advanced course follows on from the introduction and builds understanding and application of the PEACE Model, covers the legalities, principles and ethics of investigative interviewing, as well as the responsibilities of the interviewer and how to ensure the whole process is as effective as possible.

Why engage in training?

Enhanced staff confidence and competence:

Completing CERT’s CIS and specialist Investigative Interviewing training will ensure Officers and Investigators will have the appropriate knowledge and skills to carry out thorough and effective investigations.

This ensures a high level of confidence in the decision making process as to what (if any) action should be taken in respect of the matter.

All of this contributes to improved results and high levels of public confidence in your organisation in terms of its regulatory programmes and functions.

Enforcement diagram | Brad Dannefaerd

Who is this training for?

Anyone who is in a regulatory, compliance, enforcement or investigation role.

What training is available?

We work with clients to tailor the training to meet their specific needs. The range of subjects and topics include:

  • Operating within the regulatory environment / framework
  • Exercising enforcement and investigative powers
  • Gathering and recording information (the use of notebooks and recording devices)
  • Interpreting legislation and identifying elements and ingredients of offences
  • Identifying, gathering and managing evidence
  • Report writing
  • Operational planning
  • Interview skills (basic and advanced)
  • Case file preparation and management
  • Giving evidence in Court

These can be delivered as stand-alone subjects or as part of a programme of learning, tailored to fit within your operational demands.

Interested in learning more?

Complete the form below and we'll email you an overview of the Compliance and Investigation Skills courses and details of the enrolment process.

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